Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Fountain of Youth

As science develops, we are finding ways to heal our bodies so that we can practically live forever. Nano-technologies are being created that can constantly heal our internal organs and flesh so that we can enhance your lifespan.

What about this site, Zyberme, by Zornex which promises to create an eternal you.

By encapsulating your genes in a marble statue, that bears your likeness, you won't have to take the Walt Disney Approach to the eternal afterlife.

The commodification of yourself.

Their motto: "The body will be irrelevant to who a person was... or to whom he or she is 'then'... but the personal genetic seed of a customer will be relevant to whom he or she was, is, or can be again.

Purchase of this pre-need memorial assures the customer the ability to have the Zyberme memorial… even with an unexpected death and as young as possible... and most importantly, with a four business day turnaround at-need.

Also, it assures the customer the real possibility of rebirth of the body… in 5 generations to come… if he or she so wishes… using their personal genetic seed and a Zyberi rebirth trust… and their Zybersoul.

This is the reading of the customer’s blood and skin samples… synthesis of his or her dual genetic material for the cloning of the customer’s human embryo. That is then invitro inseminated into a female host… either the customer’s future daughters lineage or a surrogate with the sharing between the mother and the reborn child of a $25 million rebirth trust… for motivation and compensation.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

EBay and the Genome?

That's right.

Well, they aren't exactly selling your genes on eBay, yet.

Right now, it seems, the online auction house is simply selling material relating to the Human Genome.

I wonder, if eBay is still around, could I sell my gene map on eBay. Why not, people sell all kinds of things, and this would actually be something I own.

What would someone do with my gene map? Maybe I would try to buy the gene map of Russell Crowe and see if we had any of the same traits?

Instead of all those crazy online dating services, maybe in the future, I may be able to pick out my future mate by examining their genes, looking at them on a biological level to see if I like what 'they got'.
Crazier things have been done. I mean, we do live in a Heliocentric world.