Sunday, April 24, 2005

Can you Trigger Cancer?

Drug companies have learned how to advertise, and now they pose an even greater threat to doctors than before.

There are currently companies that are marketing genetic home testing away from the Doctor's office. While these tests provide a safe and easily accessable genetic map, which keeps sensitive information away from insurence companies, they fail to provide support and information to their clients about a very new and ever changing field.

Let's say I am worried about Breast Cancer, because it runs in my family. I take the test and learn that I, too, have the gene which is known to cause Breast Cancer. Now, this is where science tends to turn grey. Knowing that I have this gene, I can try to change my lifestyle to stay away from other things that might trigger the oncoming of the cancer. On the otherhand, maybe the stress will trigger the activation of this gene, that before, was benign. The answer is that scientists are not sure why the genes do what they do. Only that they do them.


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